
Advice from an Actuarial Recruiter: Giving Notice to Your Current Employer
Giving notice to a current employer can bring on a range of emotions, from fear and anxiety about the exit interview to relief and excitement
DW Simpson
November 11, 2022


Effective Ways to Resolve Conflicts with Co-Workers
“Can’t we all just get along?” Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple, and confronting a coworker is a challenge that you will most likely face
DW Simpson
August 15, 2022


Partnering with DW Simpson – a Guide for Hiring Managers
Every manager knows the path to success requires a great team, but how do you build a great team? It comes down to finding the
DW Simpson
July 28, 2022


SHARE YOUR STORIES – Our New Blog Project
The actuarial profession fosters many unique professional & personal paths. Given the many components of the profession, young actuaries often seek mentorship and find this
DW Simpson
April 12, 2022